About Muay Thai Vacations 

Curious to know more about the people behind Muay Thai Vacations and how it started? You're in the right place!

How Muay Thai Vacations Was Originally Created

It all started back in 2015 when pro fighter and creator of Muay Thai Guy, Sean Fagan, was contacted by The Jungles Edge Resort about hosting a Muay Thai retreat in Costa Rica.

At the time Sean and his wife, Liz, never thought to host this type of event. They heard of Yoga Retreats before, but a Muay Thai Retreat? They didn't know of anyone doing such a thing...

... and so they decided to do it!

Where It All Began

The first Muay Thai Vacation was hosted in Nosara, Costa Rica at The Jungles Edge in March 2015.

It brought together a small group of only 4 people who had an absolute blast training Muay Thai, practicing yoga, surfing some waves and eating delicious, healthy Costa Rican food.

Everyone had such a transformative experience that Sean and Liz decided to commit to hosting yearly events in Costa Rica.

And Then, It Began To Grow...

Shortly after hosting their 3rd Muay Thai Vacation in Costa Rica, Sean was approached by a gym in Bangkok, Thailand called Khongsittha Muay Thai. They asked if he could host a training camp there... and of course, Sean said YES!

This training camp sold out quickly and was one of the most epic trips ever. The campers got to train with champion-level Thai trainers twice a day while also being able to take in the unique culture and food that Bangkok has to offer.

On top of that, they got to visit temples, watch fights at top stadiums, and even get traditional sak yant tattoos! Plus, there were guest seminars from living legends Saenchai, Petchboonchu and Kaew Fairtex.

Needless to say, all the campers went home with a once-in-a-lifetime type of experience. 

From Small Groups In Costa Rica... To Sold-Out Events All Around The World!

After multiple sold-out events in Costa Rica and Bangkok, Sean and Liz decided to continue exploring other options to host unique Muay Thai Vacations around the world.

We've hosted training camps in Bangkok, Koh Phangan and Chiang Mai, as well as retreats in Greece and Spain. Plus, Sean has personally hosted seminars in Norway, Ireland, Estonia, and all over the USA.

What's The Muay Thai Vacations Crew Up To These Days?

We now run regular retreats in Nosara, Costa Rica every January. As of Summer 2024, we've also begun offering special train-n-stay weekend getaways in upstate New York.

We hope to welcome you to an epic Muay Thai Vacation of your lifetime soon!

P.S. Did you know that Sean & Liz got married after hosting one of their Muay Thai Vacations in Greece? The entire group came to the wedding too!

What's It Like Training Muay Thai Around The World?


Meet Your Hosts

Sean Fagan "The Muay Thai Guy"

Sean Fagan is a professional Muay Thai fighter and amateur champion from upstate New York. He has been training Muay Thai since 2010 and has been documenting his journey through Muay Thai Guy ever since in hopes to help spread the sport and teach students about the beauty of this ancient martial art. 

Sean has been living, training and fighting Muay Thai professionally in Thailand for years now and is constantly learning new techniques, tactics and tricks to teach at these events.

He's organized and hosted over 25+ events all over the world now. With a variety of experience training with some of the best fighters and coaches in the world (including his multiple stints in Thailand) Sean has an entire toolbox of training methods, techniques and philosophies that he likes to share with the retreat groups. 

Regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced fighter, Sean is able to teach everyone no matter their skill level!

Watch Sean in one of his exciting fights in Thailand!

And here's a taste of Liz's Yoga classes

Liz "Leo" Fagan

Elizabeth is an experienced yoga teacher who has practiced and taught yoga all over the world including yoga hot spots like Thailand, Costa Rica, Greece and New York. With over 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Training under her belt she is well versed in a variety of yoga styles including Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Rocket.  

As a head yoga instructor in Thailand, Elizabeth has been able to create her own unique style that greatly benefits those who train in the martial arts. With focus on mindfulness, hip opening and breath awareness, you are sure to come out of Elizabeth's classes feeling loose, limber and completely refreshed.  

Elizabeth has also been training Muay Thai for 7 years and also had her first fight at a Muay Thai Vacation in Thailand!

Everyone who comes to these Muay Thai Retreats ends up falling in love with Elizabeth's yoga classes as they are the perfect balance between the physical, mental and spiritual practice.










Nosara, Costa Rica

A Tropical Muay Thai, Yoga & Surf Retreat


[NEW!]Â đŸŒŽđŸ„Š Muay Thai Retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica

**January 4-11, 2026**


Currently accepting reservations for this epic 7-day event.

Click below to book a call with a representative for more information OR secure your spot by placing your deposit now.